Volunteer for Sun Devil Send-Offs

Your chance to celebrate new ASU students

Each summer, the ASU Alumni Association, in partnership with Admissions Services, ASU Family and ASU alumni chapters and clubs, invites incoming first-year students, their families and alumni from around the world to a Sun Devil Send-Off. 

This annual ASU tradition welcomes incoming ASU students and their families to the Sun Devil family. Send-offs are a rite of passage that not only offer a great opportunity to meet other students and families from your area, but also provide a casual, fun-filled environment in which to take that big first step to becoming lifelong Sun Devils. 

Registration for the 2024 Send-Offs has opened and we encourage our alumni to join the event in their area! Check the schedule below to find the location closest to you. Our alumni play an integral role in welcoming our newest Sun Devils and we look forward to having you join us.

I want to volunteer at a send-off!   

Pictures from 2023's Send-Offs



Join the Student Alumni Association

The Student Alumni Association are the keepers of spirit, pride and tradition here at ASU. This is the number one way to get involved in the university's most iconic traditions such as guarding ‘A’ Mountain during rivalry week, travelling to away Sun Devil football games with a bus load of friends, building homecoming floats, leading the time-honored Lantern Walk and many more!  

Learn more about SAA