W. Timothy Cross

W. Timothy Cross II, ’15 BA

Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts

Sacramento, CA


My favorite Sun Devil memory was going to the football game at the stadium for what I thought was a white out game. I show up to the game wearing white while the rest of the school was wearing bright yellow with hints of Sun Devil maroon. I meet my friends who immediately ask me, “What are you wearing?” I was thoroughly embarrassed but now I just look back and laugh at the whole ordeal.  Coming in as a close second was crossing the stage for the Herberger school at Arizona State University when one of the people whose hand I was shaking said, “It’s nice to see you again.” To me, that meant she remembered me from the general graduation the day before. It just made me feel special like I’m not just another one of the thousands of young adults graduating. I felt grounded in humility. A great feeling.