Venetia (Tia) Knuedler, ’23 MLSt
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Redwood City, CA
My program gave students a lot of freedom of specialization. Almost no graduate level courses were off limits. The program was highly interdisciplinary. Because of this, I crafted a specialization in communication, technology and culture and am now putting my scholarship to work producing a YouTube video podcast called “Turing with Tia.”
My takeaway from my time at Arizona State University is that I was deeply valued as a student and member of the community. From the day I sent email inquiries about my program of interest to the day I walked across the stage with my master’s degree in hand, not one person dropped the ball regarding anything I asked about, needed help with or didn’t understand. Professors, students, librarians, the IT department, admissions and records, the finance department, the department that generates student IDs — you name it! — went out of their way to make sure I had what I needed to succeed. I am totally sold on ASU!