Jada Owens

Jada Owens, ’21 BA

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Killeen, TX


I was in the English degree program and I loved almost every class that I took. One of the most eye-opening experiences I had was in the two African American literature courses I took. I learned so much about part of my own culture that I hadn't known before. My last semester was the most memorable. The classes were so intimate despite being online and I really felt a connection with the content of each class. The short stories class and the women's literature course were so impactful. 

I will cherish my time at Arizona State University it was one of the most stressful, yet rewarding experiences of my life. I was able to prove to myself that I'm a hard worker and that I am determined. I had two pregnancies and two births during my four years there. I managed to raise all five of our kids, run an independent salon business and graduate magna cum laude. I flew to Phoenix to attend my graduation in person because I felt that I earned my degree and wanted to have an experience I never imagined I would have.